About me
I completed my Ph.D. in 2012 where I had worked under the supervision of Yong Mao and Rob Farr on a thesis entitled Statistical Physics of Structural Design. I then got an 3 year independent fellowship (Aalto Science Fellow) at Aalto University (Finland). In September 2015 obtained a grant from the Academy of Finland to continue my research, hosted by Aalto University within the group of Olli Ikkala. During this time, I have collaborated closely with Stefano Zapperi of University of Milano.
My current research focuses on phenomena related to elastic instability, either utlising it to create beneficial (meta)material properties, or suppressing it through carefully chosen geometry. One particular interest of mine is the role of geometric hierarchy in structures. I am fascinated by many other problems within mechanics and elasticity (including, but not limited to origami, kirigami, buckling under tension, mechanics of lattices, disordered systems, bio-mimetic materials and mechanical meta-materials in general).
I have great interest in trying to find a wider audience for my research topics. I have written popular science articles on hierarchy within nature and engineering, and more recently, on utilising elastic instability to induce novel mechanical properties.
For more detail, see the list of publications below, the short overview or my CV. Or feel free to get in contact.
My research papers by type in approximate reverse chronological order. click on the titles to see abstracts and get the full text. You can also see a list of my coauthors. Jump to: journal papers; conference papers; recent preprints (the newest stuff is here).
Peer reviewed articles
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Associated COMSOL file 1
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Editor's suggestions
EPL Highlights of 2017
Open access until Dec 2018
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Big Bang Theory, Season 6, Episode 13
See also:
Ultralight fractal structures could bear heavy loads
Focus Fractal Structures Do More with Less